[Netarchivesuite-users] About WaybackIndexerApplication

Soleto Ruiz de Clavijo, Miguel miguel.soleto at externos.bne.es
Mon Oct 4 10:58:52 CEST 2021

Hi everyone,
It's Miguel, from BNE. I am migrating all our NAS infrastructure to the newest versions in the PRE environment and I have some questions about the WaybackIndexerApplication. I'm not sure if this e-mail list is for OpenWayback or there is another mail list for that issues. In that case, sorry for this.

Our actual installation doesn't use the WaybackIndexerApplication. Instead, We use a Shell script with the cdx-indexer utility to create the OpenWayback indexes. Reading the documentation, I found the WaybackIndexerApplication, but the configuration files are made for work on a derby data base, and We have a Postgres DB instead. I tried to change some parameters, like the Driver, but It doesn't work (got this: ERROR dk.netarkivet.wayback.indexer.HibernateUtil - Could not connect to hibernate object store - exiting org.hibernate.HibernateException: JDBC Driver class not found: org.postgresql.Driver at org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider.configure(DriverManagerConnectionProvider.java:89)).

Is there any documentation about this tool to make it work in Postgres? Also, Is there any DDL script to create the wayback_indexer_db?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,
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